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Mainly economic recession is caused due to loss of confidence in the market. It affects the potential investors to hold the deals in the market. That ultimately results in disturbs the supply chain in the international market. As you all know, the global economy’s economic recession mainly comes from the coronavirus pandemic and worldwide lockdown. 

During the lockdown period, every activity is stopped, and no one is allowed to move outside. This caused the stopping of work in industries and results in millions of job losses. The tourism sector is facing the worst time of the decade. However, various governments have given relief packages to revive the economy but not seems to be enough. The discovery of the coronavirus vaccine is the only hope that the world can see.

The decline in the gross domestic product in another sign of economic recession. But it usually occurs when the economy is already facing a recession. According to the latest reports, most of the country’s GDP shrinks during the lockdown period, and developing countries are affected most. Moving further in the article, let’s some factors that are responsible for the economic recession.

High-interest rates on loans

Due to low tax collection, various federal reserves have increased the interest rates. It results in inferior liquidity in the market. That means now the investors have little money to invest in the market. Due to this, people will purchase fewer goods from the market. Ultimately it will affect the overall capital of the market, due to which various businesses and companies cut the wages of employees.

Loss of confidence

It will lead consumers to stop purchasing and saves money for the worst time. Usually, in this case, people move to defensive mode and spend the least amount of money. In economic terms, the situation is referred to as panic. That leads to slow retail sales and less income of businesses. To restore confidence in the market, various government banks are trying their best. To overcome the situation, one should need to spend some money on shopping and hiring private services.

Failing property rates

Due to less capital in the market, the demand for the new property is decreased subsequently. This will lead to lowers real estate market growth. High-interest rates on home loans are also a significant factor for this as the owner of property people will try to sell the property at the maximum possible price. But did not get appropriate rates. This will ultimately lead to a loss of confidence and a slow growth rate.

Cuts in wages

This will happen during the global economic recession. Mainly the middle-class section of the society will suffer from this situation. In which expenses are more, and income is less. To overcome the problem, various government organizations and NGOs offered relief packages.

However, the rebound of the economy is expected in 2021. The discovery of the coronavirus vaccine will affect a lot to the global economy. It will help restore customers’ confidence and potential investors, and ultimately the situation leads to growth in the worldwide stock market.

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